Compare On-Page SEO faster than ever
Chrome Extension to compare On-Page SEO from your last search query. Select pages you want to compare. It's free

How to use SEOVERSUS
Explained in 60 seconds
What can I compare?
Title length
We recommend a title to be between 40-65 characters. This will have a great size on Google search results.
Title includes keyword
Keyword included in the title is essential. If you're site doesn't have it included but your competitors have, we highly recommend to place it in your title.
H1 includes keyword
If your page is for a specific search, it is probably the most important place to include the keyword.
URL includes keyword
Just like Title and H1, the URL is an essential place to include the keyword if possible. If the keyword is "Best places to visit in Florida", we recommend a slug like /best-places-to-visit-in-florida
Check if the page is canonical to the page you're on. If not, we recommend to add it.
Total words
It is not necessarily the page with most words that wins. But its a good idea to get an idea how much content your competitors includes.
Minimum 400 words
We recommend to aim for at least 400 words. If your competitors website is around 1500 words, you should consider to write around same amount.
Keyword mentioned
Get an idea how many times the keyword is mentioned. But be careful, you can easily mention a keyword too many times.
SEO is a game. It is not guaranteed that your website will
be placed number 1 if everything is checked.
But its a great place to start, if you can tell that
websites above your website have higher on-page score using
You can select unlimited amount of search results to compare
from your last search query. Select the competitors that are
1-5 ranks higher than your site.
These small and easy adjustments can do a lot! Its
the first thing to check if your website is missing
something that your competitors, that is placed higher on
Google, have included. On-Page SEO is the first place to
start. When your website have passed all recommendations in
SEOVERSUS, you can go further with backlinks, page speed and
everything else that plays a major role for your ranking.
Good luck!